well, I have only ever been in love 2 times, once when I was 15, I met this guy named Chris, a redhead with a real Eminem type attitude, and he was soooo sweet to me and nice, and I thought he was the best thing in the world, and they would always include me in their partying, and all, until one day, he just disappeared and never awnsered my calls again.
My second love is still the only man that I will ever love, he is a serious anarchist, and a punk rocker, with Clockwork orange make-up everyday with explanation, and long shoulder legnth hair wiht little curls at the tips, and he was quite the serious druggie, but we both were and we had the times of our lives...
People that we used to know would reffer us to 2 couples, the modern day Sid and Nancy or Mickey and Mallory. We were wild and wild about each other, I had his name tattooed on me and we got married a few months later. We have a son, that we named Sid after the late great Sid Vicious, and he was incarserated 4 times and I waited for him faithfully every time....We had to seperate because we had to both get clean seperately, it hurts us both everyday to be seperated, and we know that one day we will be together, and if that can't happen here then we will meet up on the other side, and then we will truly be free together. I know it sounds crazy, but that is what we both are and that was what we both were about each other. We found complete happiness when we were together....his name is Andy