Originally Posted by I quite like music, me
Question: What is the point in arguing what category a band fits into, its surely the actual music that they produce which anyone gives half a **** about. Furthermore, style is individual, therefore not everybody's gonna agree. Correct me if i'm wrong anyone, but music isn't about giving names to a certain style, it's about the effect the song has i.e. "That was outragously spiffing old bean, what?" and so on.
I'm not fully aware of your intentions, but I imagine that you say something like this because your exposure to "punk" music does not go beyond that of bands that are of excessive rotation on the radio. Just because an individual cannot associate any given band with a genre does not imply that genre's are unnecessary or "evil" as one person put it. The first step is admitting you know little about a genre, for instance, punk. Whether or not you think Green Day is a good or bad band, I honestly from the bottom of my heart don't care. But when people hype Green Day as a quitessential/important punk band, and makes "tributes" to them, it is a travesty to punk bands you aren't aware of, just because they don't receive mainstream exposure. In conclusion, it is more than okay to like Green Day, but to put them at the top of a genre you probably don't know much about is naive. That is my two cents.