Originally Posted by Crowquill
So you're allowed to make sweeping statements that are pretty insulting without backing them up? I don't see what's wrong with his foreign policy either. "We need to understand the connection between peace and the environment. We know that life on our planet is threatened by the twin threats of global warring and global warming. They are linked, and we have to understand that as we cognize the world as being interconnected and interdependent, we know that resource wars are passe and that the focus on sustainability will create peace." Seems pretty solid and agreeable to me, maybe you should point out all thats terrible about it though.
Pretty insulting? Really? I want you to show me what was insulting. I wanted to have an intelligent discussion about this and refrained from insulting comments. Show me.
I have no problem with his environmental positions. Those I agree with, but if he thinks that the solution to global destruction is dismantling our nuclear weaponry then all of his green-minded positions seem to be null en void.
I never said we were worse off than Africa.
No you didn't, Gates did. Or at least he implied it and usually does in every other post.