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Old 01-10-2008, 12:44 PM   #39 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 94

Before 'classic rock' was coined & during a time when top 40 radio stations dominated the airwaves, a Charlotte radio station had a '1960s' radio program on a weekend night & they played Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin. I was only 10 or so & never heard of them since my older sister listened to disco & new wave and there were no album oriented radio stations.

But that blew me away. I worshiped them throughout the 1980's as the classic rock format became popular until I was in high school when I started listening to college rock. Obviously, I've never been embarrassed of them, but I haven't touched any of the old albums & I had only bought 1 CD (Physical Graffiti). But they have a warm place in my heart as they were the first band I truly became obsessed about & helped introduce me to other rock bands.
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