Originally Posted by Nosmada
Pearl Jam Interstate Lovesong did it for me, and i still love it to today. Also a Boy Named Goo.
thats wasnt pearl jam,.....that was STP
this is a tricky question
i've been through so many musical phases in my 24 years its not even funny,....
be it roger miller and simon and garfunkle when i was a kid,.....to bands like bush and nirvana when i was in 3rd grade,....jr high found me goin through my hard rock/classic rock/motown phases,....
most of that carried over to high school where i started to obsess over 'texas country', which i have just cycled back too
college was all about the jam band,......
but through all these there are a few albums that never lost their rotation,.....
the allman brother's filmore east
u2's war
zepplin's 3
a live roxy music album
jerry jeff walker's great gonzos
and neil young's harvest