Music Banter - View Single Post - The British Indie Scene
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Old 01-09-2008, 08:01 AM   #5 (permalink)
Mr Nic
Occasionally Curmudgeonly
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You're right in a sense although I don't think a lot of the stuff you're referring to should really be classed as British Indie music. It's certainly mainstream enough to receive constant airplay from the bland and insipid morons at 'the nations favourite' Radio 1.

Cack like 'The Wombats' only serves to highlight how every idiot with a MySpaz account thinks they've got a God given right to be the next big thing. Even being 'famous for 15 minutes' is pushing the boat. Remember though, if it wasn't for the sh*t, you wouldn't appreciate the good stuff - and there's plenty of decent British Indie bands if you look hard enough.
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