Hmmm, this is a toughy. Most of my early music experiences were a direct result of my sister's musical choices. Hence Green Day, Offspring when I was 12, Nirvana and Soundgarden when I was 13, The Doors and Stone Temple Pilots when I was 14-15...but I guess none of those bands, even though I still love all of them, compare to the first time I heard Rage against the machine...I was about 16, a friend of mine told me to give them a shot, so I downloaded Fuck the police Live...I went absolutely nuts. That was my first independent musical outing (my sister still hasn't gotten into them despite my efforts)...and from then on I was hooked on discovering new music on my own...naturally, I still state them as one of my favorite bands ever...
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.