Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen
Alright, I've tried. I've tried my damned hardest. It was an honest , thorough, painstaking experiment, but as it turns out, finding any redeeming qualities in Nickelback is utterly impossible and I can't keep up trying. I've had those lyrics ("Kim... kissed... nervous... missed... since then... haven't seen her... God knows when") revolving round and round in my mind for days now and they're so abominably bad I think I'm going to be haunted by them for the rest of my music-listening days. Damn you, Nickelback. You self-righteous slugs of musical mediocrity. I give up.
As an ending note, I think we should all let the boys speak for themselves. The following is a very real quote from Mike Kroeger in response to bloggers who criticized Nickelback for the extreme similarity between two of their hits (advance warning: make sure there is plenty of padding on the floor beneath your chair, as a high risk of falling off it has been identified):
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So everyone has to and fro'd for you to turn around and say what the majority thought in the first place? Had you ever heard them in the first place or do you just like the wind up? Talk about an excersise in futility....