Originally Posted by Sweet Jane
Bob Dylan's a little overrated as well, not all his material is amazing, some of it is pretty dull.
Has it suddenly become trendy to like Bright Eyes? I just saw a newspaper article last week about them too, first one I've ever seen.
1. What dull amterial are you reffering too. Mid period Dylan is pretty lousy but intentionally so. According to him he was sick of putting out music and the fame but he was obligated to make recordings so he slapped stuff together and sent it away. Its like when the media followed him wherever he went he would do awkward things to throw them off. From everything I've ever read Dylan seems boarderline psychotic so I would belive the stories. But if you feel Dylan is over rated go out and by his first 3 albums. O just Freeweeling. Or hell just download a hard rains gonna fall or like a rollin stone.
2. Yes, It has become VERY VERY trendy to like bright eyes.