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Old 12-28-2007, 05:45 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Best 2007 films I've seen:
No country for old men (USA)
Secret Sunshine (S. Korea)
Sunshine (UK)
Death Proof (USA)
Before the devil knows you're dead (USA)
Atonement (UK)
This is England (UK)
Hot Fuzz (UK)
Knocked up (USA)
La Antena (Argentina)
Eagle vs. Shark (New Zealand)

Films I haven't yet seen, and am anxious to:

Michael Clayton (USA)
There Will Be Blood (USA)
Juno (USA)
Sweeney Todd (USA)
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (France)
Lars and the Real Girl (USA)
The Savages (USA)
I'm Not There (USA)
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (Romania)
Lust, Caution (China)
Persepolis (France)
Into the Wild (USA)
The Edge of Heaven (Germany)
The Orphanage (Spain)
My blueberry nights (USA)
Margot at the Wedding (USA)
A mighty heart (USA)
The namesake (possibly from 2006) (India)
Zeitgeist the movie (USA)
2 days in Paris (France)
Atlas Dei (USA)
Beaufort (Israel)
The Band's Visit (Israel)
From the Sea (Spain)
Full Throttle (Japan)
In memory of myself (Italy)
It's a free world (UK)
The class (Estonia)
La vie en rose (France)
Solitary fragments (Spain)
Bliss (Turkey)
No end in sight (USA)
Ploy (Thailand)
Like a dragon (Japan)
Gentle breeze in the village (Japan)
The show must go on (S. Korea)
Empties (Czech Republic)
We are the strange (USA)
XXY (Argentina)

@Lee: Tell no one is apparently from 2006, but thanks for the recommendation, sounds good. Oh and I didn't particularly enjoy The lives of others, but I seem to be in the vast minority there...*shrug*

Also, some good films that seem to be categorized as 2007 films even though they were released prior to that in their respective countries; Taste of tea, Offside, Paprika, Once...

Worst film of the year, Pirates of the Carribbean: At worlds end, no competition...Transformers at least had that scene where one of them turns into a Camaro...AWE had NO redeeming moments whatsoever...absolute catastrophy. Had it not been for my 11 year old niece, I would have walked out of the theater after 30 minutes.
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.

Last edited by adidasss; 12-28-2007 at 04:51 PM.
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