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Old 12-28-2007, 03:25 AM   #39 (permalink)
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Itunes has had eight years or so to perfect their software....zune is just barely starting out the gate....sure it'll be rough starting out but it will get better.....Zune has this thing called Zune's the same thing as Itunes Store.....The Zune media player works just fine for me...

I was slightly joking about the whole propaganda thing...I just really dislike the company and all of their products...he does have the right to recommend any player/company he wants

I love being able to share songs wirelessly with someone else that has a Zune....I think Zunes are becoming extremely more popular....I know alot of people that got them for christmas.'

Another thing I like about the Zune is that they have a thing called a Zune pass where you pay the monthly fee and download as much music as you want from their store....but you can also buy individual songs/albums just like Itunes.....
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