I do believe me and the misses are the first members of MB to be having a baby during the course of time in which we've been here *APPARENTLY SECOND* and considering we thought it was coming today, I thought I'd make a thread which I intend to update as often as I can for anyone who is interested.
Our baby boy is due on the 9th of january, although my mothers one of her 'psychic premenitions' and she's convinced it'l be here on the 5th.
We've bought EVERYTHING and a good friend of mine, soon one of my boys god-fathers is even going out this weekend to buy an AC/DC baby grow.
We've finally decided on the name Joshua Kinsey Evans,
Joshua being just a name we fell in love with, Kinsey being the last name of the wifes uncle who unfortunately recently passed away and Evans being the last name of moi.
Naturally being my son, he will be born with a great taste in music

and with many objections from Natalie i do intend to force the drums upon him at a young age.
So yeah, We'll keep you guys posted best we can. Wish us luck, especially her what with having to do all that pushing and what not.
All the best,
Jake and Nat,