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Thread: Girl Talk
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Old 12-17-2007, 06:04 PM   #6 (permalink)
Expletive Deleted
Dancing Machine
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Originally Posted by enemyat_thesix View Post
The hype started last year, which means it took til this year for the hipsters to get ahold of it. Not only are Girl Talk's albums bland and lacking depth, I've heard from several friends that his live act isn't anything to write home about.

The scene must be different where you're from, but the majority of kids here who listen to Girl Talk know nothing of Ed Banger, or any electro-house outfits with the exception of Daft Punk and Justice.

ps: At least Dan Deacon has an original sound; no other electronic artist sounds like him. Girl Talk can't even compose his own music.
Maybe things are different in Boston, but Girl Talk isn't anymore popular here than he was last year. And yeah, anything that's highly blogged about and danceable gets lumped into the same scene. It's the same kiddies selling out Girl Talk shows and Justice ones.

Dan Deacon isn't any more original or interesting than any other bedroom IDM producer, I could find a million guys on Myspace who sound just like him. He just sells himself as this really wacky guy making totally wacky music that hipsters just eat up.

And pre-Night Ripper Girl Talk did make his own Glitch beats, and it's not like Night Ripper didn't take him any effort. IIRC it took him over a year to put all the samples together, etc.
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