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Old 12-14-2007, 08:48 AM   #86 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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I'll do the ones I can comment on...

Poster of the Year: Haven't been around the whole year really, but Crowquill's threads in the General Musica section kept me coming back just to see what he was listening to..

Best New Poster (Registred in 2007): I hate all the new people. Wait, is Wayfarer new? Yeah Wayfarer.

Most Improved Poster of the Year: Can I say... dunno...

Most Deimproved (they steadily got worse and worse, shut up its a word) Member of the Year: Ooo... Crowquill. Only because if he doesn't post something that opens my eyes up to a new band or opens my eyes up to the beauty of other bands - I consider that post a failure...

Most Underrated Poster of the Year: Big3. Knows more than anyone about life and was around (because he's 98 years old) during the times that most of us only know about because of the bands that existed during that era. Although dinosaurs didn't make very good music did they big3 :P (well, except T. Rex and Dinosaur Jr. but who is counting them?)

Nicest Poster of the Year:
Me mother****ers. I am nicer than all of you combined.
Meanest Poster of the Year:
oh... I dunno...
Funniest Poster of the Year:
All of you are pretty much unfunny. Sorry

Best Avatar of the Year:
Um... I'd give most Emo avatar of the year to Crowquill. I think he left that category out on purpose...

Best Signature of the Year:
Signatures are masturbatory at best.

Thread of the Year:
Urban and Crowq's Top 100's for the tie.

Most Missed Poster:
hobojesus. Where'd he gooo...

Best Songwriter of the Year:
All of the new writers are the Songwriters of the year, gotta keep that section alive folks.

Smartest Poster of the Year:
Big3, duh.

Best Contributor of the Year:
Probably me, but who knows. hahaha.

Worst Contributor of the Year:
Definitely me.

Favorite Moderator of the Year:
**** the man.
Least Favorite Moderator of the Year:
See above.
Biggest Fanboy (list artist next to name):
I think our boy Crowq put this category in for assurance that everyone knows he is the biggest fanboi alive. And our vote of confidence in his fanboydom only adds another layer of mastery to his fanboyness. Right?
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