2. The Smiths "The Queen is Dead"
The Smiths are considered to be one of the most important band of the 80s and Joy Division aside I consider them to be the greatest. Hailing from Manchester they were refreshing sound amidst all the electronic based acts that were around at the time. Formed by Johnny Marr knocking on Morrissey's door one day they were an odd pair. Johnny Marr was already an accomplished local guitarist and Morrissey was the shy writer who idolized James Dean and Oscar Wilde that walked around in the rain and was always sitting quiet in the back of the shows.
Morrissey wrote about a variety of topics from love and loss to the Moors Murder and England. His lyrics have always been full of wit, political controversy and sad tales. You either love him or hate him but you know who he is, he managed to piss over authority without resorting to riots or anything, all he to do was sing about Thatcher on the guillotine and the police was at his door. In addition to Morrissey there was obviously Johnny Marr who has since the Smiths break up has gone onto work with bands The The and Modest Mouse. He's one of alternative rocks finest guitar, his tone is defining, refreshing and unique and there really is no guitarist like him. Other than Morrissey and Marr there was the underrated Andy Rourke and Mike Joyce. Rourke is now in Freebass with Manni (Stone Roses, Primal Scream) and Pete Hook (Joy Division, New Order). I don't think he gets anywhere near the credit he deserves, his basslines were upbeat and spunky, I think my favorite is his line in Girlfriend in a Coma. Mike Joyce won't ever be on anyones favorite drummer list but he did what he was supposed to do and did it well.
Now picking a favorite Smiths album was rather difficult because at first it was close between The Smiths and The Queen is Dead but lately I've been listening to a lot of Meat is Murder too, so that just added to the confusion. But when I really thought about it I decided on this one because it had all my favorite songs and I think it is kind of the defining Smiths album.
They prove to be on top of their game from the very start of this album kicking in with some chanting and then you hear the Joyce pounding away on the drums (I think this is my favorite thing I've heard him do because it's such a fierce intro and a great way to kick off an album.) You hear Marr's signature sound come in and eventually you're entirely into the song already which steadily slides through to the rest of the album. Morrissey is writes some of his greatest lyrics ever on this album from the poignant "I Know It's Over" to the beautiful and romantic "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" and this albums stands as a testament to what can happen when musicians click together creativity. Everything they do here just compliments eachother and it shows that The Queen is Dead is easily one of the greatest albums not just of the 80s but of all time.
The Smiths over the past year have been a growing favorite I really just can't get enough of them. They are my favorite band ever, Morrissey's beautiful and unique voice coupled with Johnny Marrs excellent guitar working is probably one of the greatest songwriting matches ever. Tons of bands have tried to imitate the Smiths but none have ever or will ever come close.
Favorite Songs: The Boy With The Thorn In His Side, There Is A Light That Never Goes Out, Cemetry Gates, I Know It's Over, Frankly Mr. Shankly, Bigmouth Strikes Again
MySpace.com - The Smiths - ONTARIO, California - Punk / Death Metal / Jungle - www.myspace.com/mannygimmecandy