12-07-2007, 02:00 PM
#97 (permalink)
Elevator to the moon
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Snowy, cold, miserable Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,088
Originally Posted by <3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3
I hate both my parents..... they f_cked up big time... they were never married......but they were "engaged" but that doesn't mean sh!t to me... and my when my mom finally got married to my step(or half I don't care) brothers dad I hated him... He was (and still is, but I was told he was getting better......But i think thats just a huge line of bullsh!t) alcholic/ crack addict/ and pot smoker and he nearly killed us on th efourth of july... because he was so wasted..... i had to live through that sh!t for about 7 nearly 8 years..... and my dad is no better...he is a total child and when I do go visit him I spend maybe 2 hours the whiole time I visit with just him..... Most of the time I am either by myself,with both of them(his girlfriend), or just with her...... I hate her too!! with a great passion she was in the army for 8 years and had 3 other sisters and 4 other brothers.. she is hte only one woithout kids, she acts like a man and i swear she looks like one too... and she's an attorney and try living with that b!tch for 3 years... I hate them all, they never helped me, supported me or accepted me for who i was (or am still) and for it I Probably will never forgive them or care if they die... maybe a teeny tiny bit... and I'm a girl and I love crying but I just can't stand living with either of them they weren't ready for a kid, and they still don't know how to take care of one either...... and I don't think either of them ever will...
wrong thread
take it to the bitch box, nobody cares