I think I understood what that meant.. but I could be wrong... but did you say (get the F_ck out???)
Oh and Yesterday I got my ipod my camera and my phone taken away for going to a neighbooring city without my mom knowing (I did that on saturday)
& to top that day off(sunday) My mom found out I am having sex..... and the worst part is I had to tell her myself......
On saturday... I went driving around (which is why I got in trouble) with my bf's bestfriend (he is also my good friend) car....which had a nice system.... I the back seat was vibrating on 5 like you could feel your heart beat..... It was awsome.... well I won't tell you abou the bad parts but I went over to my bf's other friends house and ...welll I'll just say we had some "ALONE TIME" they left us there by ourselves, which
was fine...... up untill about 8:25p.m. came and he still wasn't there.... and we was over 3 mins away and there a storm outside... and I got home at 9:32 p.m. when I was suppose to get home BY 9:00 sooo that was great..... but I am super happy regardless of the fact that I don't have any of my stuff and people have been trying to annoy me all day, I am still super they really that I AM CrAzY!!!
OHHH!!! and if you were wondering...... we never got to go on that road trip... so we hung out at my friends instead....