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Old 12-02-2007, 05:39 AM   #21 (permalink)
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When I first saw this topic title....I thought to myself there isn't many sitcoms I like but then I started to list them off and there are quite a few.

30 Rock
My Name is Earl
The Office....both UK and US versions....enjoyed UK's versions slightly more....I think because of the use of more sexual innuedos
I tried to get into Cavemen but I haven't been able to record it on my dvr. so I've only seen one episode so far.
Samantha Who?
Notes from the Underbelly
Back to You
Til Death.....I hated the main star when he was on everyone loves raymond but he's hilarious on this show.
Aliens in America and I think that's it.

I never understood the appeal of Friends, Everyone loves Raymond and Seinfeld......I love Curb your enthusiasm but Seinfeld was boring to me

Undeclared, Freaks and Geeks and Arrested Development are time honored shows.....I want to get them on DVD
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