Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Really , I could have sworn both men made pop music with R&B & Soul influences
Mmmm are u serious? Prince didn't have no genre that man made his own genre. He mixed funk, jazz, soul, r&b , everything Prince was never really categorized in one genre because his music was so diverse. I'm surprised u even said that. With MJ, MJ went through transitions. Originally he song r&b, then he did pop and he did some rock songs. MJ and Prince music are totally different. The only thing they have in common is the fact James Brown influenced both
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Never said it did. All I was saying that Prince deserves credit for doing practically everything himself from the writing , to the arranging to virtually all the music. If it was awful then you'd have a point but it isn't. Without Quincy Jones Jackson could never have made Thriller , Prince could have made Purple Rain regardless of who he was with. Fair play to Jackson for finding a man who could make it work , but like I said Prince didn't need to.
Just because Quincy produced Thriller with MJ doesn't mean his less talented. With MJ as I told you before he wrote all the songs on Thriller if not all most of them. The man has been performing since he was 5 so by the time Thriller rolled around I think MJ could have arranged and produced Thriller all by his self as you say but he wanted to work with Quincy. It was a excellent pair. You keep mentioning Thriller when MJ has in fact written, arranged and produced other albums by his self so whats ur point?Jackson is just as talented as Prince.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Nobody was
Yes, somebody was like its acceptable to say a artist is better because they play instruments? what kinda bull is that? Its ridiculous because MJ doesn't play instruments like that. He does though but not alot like Prince. His a tru musician. It would be appropiate to make that comment if they BOTH played instruments but they don't thats why its not fair to say