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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 11-21-2007, 07:33 PM   #98 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Just because i'm giving him credit for it doesn't mean I think it's a good thing.
Thriller started off a trend that made some of the most superficial music in history where as long as you had a good expensive video with MTV to back it up even the most talentless & blandest of bands could have a hit.

It was the worst thing that could ever happen to music , if you want to celebrate that & dazzle me with flashy sales figures go ahead.
Are u talking about now or during that time? The Thriller vid of course was a tight vid, it was expesive and became a legend in it's self. It was the first "short film" because people wasn't making videos like that. The Thriller album was really good every track was perfect. It was equal with the vid. What in the world does that have to do with music now? The fact that its acceptable to have a so called good vid and a crappy song is no trend Thriller started. Why that is?

The music and the music vids are crap now because the music industry don't care about good music anymore. MTV will play anybody. If the vids are flashy and have some chick shaking there behind or somebody throwing money in the screen its the best vid ever. Thats what they want because thats sell. It has become acceptable to make vids like that now even if its crap and the music does no justice. If ur the hypest thing at the moment and u come out with an expensive vid, the media will praise it because ur the big talk now even when ur music is crap. Most of the artists out now are just hype and they don't live up to it. Anyway when has the last time MTV played a music video? The same with the rest of the music channels. It seems like if they say ur name three times in a row ur already a legend. Its about what sells and the look. We know this already and to be honest I guess people don't care about good music anymore because they buy the crap.

So Thriller didn't start no trend for the bad it made it for the better because after thriller people started seriously choregraphing their music videos but that was around that era BUT now it just has to do with marketing and what sells, nothin to do with Thriller bro. Just give the man credit and stop down grading him. I can see if we were talking about an artist thats out now but were talkin about MJ, it really should be no question or disscussion of his accomplishments and achievements because at the in of the day he'll always be a legend no matter what you or anybody thinks.
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