Originally Posted by boo boo
I also don't get the Prince comparisons, since they musically don't have anything in common and unlike Prince,Jackson actually makes good music.
Really , I could have sworn both men made pop music with R&B & Soul influences
Originally Posted by boo boo
I could care less how many instruments Prince plays. I play 8 different instruments, does this make me more talented than Neil Young? Writing your own songs dosen't make you a better artist either, thats like saying Fred Dirst is better than Elvis.
Never said it did. All I was saying that Prince deserves credit for doing practically everything himself from the writing , to the arranging to virtually all the music. If it was awful then you'd have a point but it isn't. Without Quincy Jones Jackson could never have made Thriller , Prince could have made Purple Rain regardless of who he was with. Fair play to Jackson for finding a man who could make it work , but like I said Prince didn't need to.
Originally Posted by boo boo
Not when the person you're comparing him to dosen't play instruments.
Nobody was