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Old 11-21-2007, 02:05 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
As far as the fungus amongus goes -
It is a great drug. It is relatively completely harmless physically, aside from the fact that you are basically giving yourself mild food poisoning (why some people vomit at the beginning). This drug is incredibly mind expanding and visual. Very fun to watch the patterns forming on the walls, and reinterpret something you previously saw in a new way. The biggest problem with this drug, aside from the possible stomach illness, is the anxiety that occurs when shrooming. Usually I feel a much higher sense of anxiety than when I trip on anything else, which might result in a 'bad trip'. As long as you can keep your head straight, anyone who has tripped enough will tell you that you learn more from the bad trips than the good ones. As much as I love this drug, it is not my favorite, and you will only want to do it very infrequently.
If I didn't have to work, I would do this several times a week. Believe me, don't do it the night before you have to work. Ugh. Your mind has been so busy processing and functioning in a whole different light that you wear yourself down. Which is why work sucks. Sleep is all you need.
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