Originally Posted by BuckWild
man modern music sucks so bad! Seriously I am a 23 year old white male, I'm a the target audience for rock bands! I'm white trash too so this is my cup of tea, basically modern music sucks so bad that at 23 I am reduced to listening to talk radio everyday, if i don't have a cd in I have to listen to talk radio, the industry is so wacked out that anyone with any real talent is looked over, the pink floyds and beatles of the world will never be seen again, they have been run over by the dollar, those bands were all about the music these new guys are just a marketing nightmare switching looks and styles of music to just to make a buck. In seattle I can tell you that the music scene is pretty much dead!! thats why its all about trailer park mafia and drunken stunts!
Originally Posted by silvermoon
I agree with you here . The music scene seems a bit stale as far as something different
and original. It seems that the music industry is signing on anyone that will make them money$$$$$$$$$$. I love the raw creative spontenous talent that you rarely hear anymore.
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Well why not get off your backsides & look for something. You want original music , go look for it.Thats why there are no 'Pink Floyds or Beatles' *cough* around now. Because people just sit at home whining nothing they like is ever around.If you are not prepared to be adventurous then don`t bitch that everything is bland & safe.
I live on a small island with ONE record store that only sells chart & new releases , we get next to zero in the way of live gigs. If I want to go to see a band I have to pay around £300 to get to London , yet despite this I manage to find plenty of new exciting talent.
You are on the internet , you have absolutly NO excuse for not being able to find new things.