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Old 11-07-2007, 02:26 PM   #3 (permalink)
Way Out There
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Originally Posted by White Lies View Post
what exactly is this album derivative of?
You make a good point and let me try to answer it this way. When I hear an original song by a great band, I'm unable to distinguish the musical influences. For example Radiohead and "Paranoid Android". I've listened to that song dozens of times, and I can't honestly say it sounds like anybody else but Radiohead. Yeah it's got prog rock, alt rock, new wave, and other sub-genres in it, but it's uniquely Radiohead and sounds like no other band. When I listen to MBV, i begin to lose interest half way through a song and start thinking, that sounds like J&MC, or they remind me of Cocteau Twins, or as some other posters noted, Bauhaus or Sonic Youth. Great bands absorb influences into something new, whereas bands that fall short, wear them on their sleeve.
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