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Thread: Drowning Pool
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Old 02-10-2005, 08:05 PM   #8 (permalink)
Bright F*cking Red
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Originally Posted by oojay
dave williams didnt leave, he died, i think that their new singer is pretty good, and why would they change their name just b/c they got a new singer? its still drowning pool.
yeah, i knew that he died. (RIP) but really, a band is often, recognized and known by its singers voice. saosins most well known singer, anthony green left. the band still has the same sound though, because the new singers voice sounds really similar.

in the case of drowning pool however, the new singers voice sounds nothing like dave williams'. now their music sounds like just another one of those bland hard rock bands. his voice isnt unique like williams'. ive never heard another voice that sounded like his. and now the band sounds a lot different. when a band changes its sound, i just think that the name that went along with that sound, should be retired. i might like the new band a little more if they had a new name.
How'd I end up here to begin with? I don't know.
Why do I start what I can't finish?
Oh please, don't barrage me with questions to all those ugly answers.
My ego's like my stomach- it keeps shitting what I feed it.
But maybe I don't want to finish anything anymore..
maybe I can wait in bed 'til she comes home. and whispers....

Originally Posted by Shooting Star
Remember kids: It's only real metal if the vocalist sounds like he's vomiting up a fetus. \m/
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