Originally Posted by Trauma
Ariadne's Thread and Men As Trees both live over an hour away!
I've heard of them but never listened.
Letters In Binary is pretty popular, I've listened to them a bit, I don't know if that's just because they're from Detroit or they're actually more popular.
I have never heard that Michigan has a well established scene and maintain my position that there are barely any screamo bands in Michigan, let alone within 30 minutes driving distance.
Edit: I will say though they are good bands, even though one is named after a Saetia song. They had a concert on the 24th, that's pretty cool. Have you been to any of their shows?
oh lol I didnt know they were that far away. Yea Men as Trees and Letters In Binary played a show with Towers and Peter &Craig who are on tour. That show must have been insane. I was supposed to go see Men as Trees both times when they came to Baltimore but the first time the show got cancelled because it snowed and the second time it was at a house show, and I wasnt in the mood to go try to find it by myself. I wish I could have seen Letters in Binary live, that would be so kickass, they were supposed to come to Baltimore on their tour but then rerouted it for the west coast. I think its probably just in Detroit that they're popular. I dont have too many tools at my disposal haha but they're myspace has like 12k views and around 850 friends. Yea I was wondering where Ariadne's Thread got their name from for a bit till I was listening to Saetia on my ipod and then saw that same song title haha.