lol the question was 'who is better, biggie or 2pac' so i voted. now if you want to call biggie's music gimmicky, that's your own perrogative but i think it'll be met with loads of resistance. biggie pioneered hip hop that perfected the hook, in a genre that specializes in doing just that. when you're talking about rock and alternative, no, i don't care for hooks and gimmicks such as those employed by bands such as arctic monkeys, hot hot heat, or fallout boy for instance.
and my avatar is the famous cover of jeff buckley's 'grace' (and if u weren't such an ignorant little trendy yank **** you'd know that) which i think is slightly more mature than a shirtless self portrait of me attempting to hit a pipe in a futile effort to show the world how carefree and hip i am.
Last edited by Mookie Wilson; 10-24-2007 at 01:22 PM.