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Old 10-23-2007, 04:02 PM   #229 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by matious View Post
American History X at least had a turning point, where it made sense WHY he changed his opinion on black people. He had a black friend and a black teacher still supporting him and educating him. While in THE BELEIVER he just all of a sudden on a bombing run decides he likes being jewish again?

They're was never any legitimate reason WHY he hated jews...all he ever says is "you must kill your enemy" well why are they your enemy, because you had to take some classes in elementary school? big ****ing deal.

While American History X his dad gets shot, bam, makes sense..

When it came down to it they were more or less the same movie, just that American history x had better acting and production. Both movies had awful endings though
See, I personally don't think there was a good enough turning point in AHX to completely change his whole political leanings while in THE BELIEVER it is an analogy of him reaching manhood that forced him to mend his ways and he never was a racist on the scale of Norton's character. I think the low budget helped on THE BELIEVER and it is a well written and directed film.

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