Music Banter - View Single Post - Arctic Monkeys
Thread: Arctic Monkeys
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:05 AM   #273 (permalink)
Mookie Wilson
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
if you want to do some arctic monkey bashin, do it in the arctic monkeys thread. besides, your opinion on arctic monkeys is pretty worthless; they have great music and even better lyrics. i would HOPE that a band sounds like where they come from... whether they shoot for it or not

what i'm getting at is that a band can/should sound like where they come from in MORE WAYS THAN JUST SINGING. singing with subtle accents is to be expected but when it's played up just to grab trendy-ass north american bohemian wannabes' attention, then it just becomes gimmicky. i don't think i'm the only one who feels that the arctic monkeys' music is really gimmicky (in more ways than just the vocals too)
p.s. real cool avatar, way to stick it to the man, smokin weed, cool, real cool
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