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Old 10-15-2007, 10:36 AM   #1 (permalink)
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bollocks, just deleted everything I'd written

Personally, i Think it's ok to cry, as long as you actually need to and you're not doing it for attention. And yes, sometimes everyone needs to cry.

I've cried once in the past 6 years or so, when I was under a huge amount of presure to do well in upcoming exams, while trying to keeps sports and a social like up at the same time. Trying to do that over extended periods of time doesn't work. after one specific week where I did a lot more than I could physically cope with, I collapsed on monday morning at the prospect of what I had to do that week, I was too exhausted to do anything but cry...

and I did feel better after it, it made me realise that i was pushing myself too far, and I cut back. Yeah, you could say that I didn't need to cry, I could've figured that out anyway, but it made me feel better having done so.

I think it's alright for guys to cry, cause not doing so is just bottling up, which is incredibly bad for you, and will just make things worse in the long run. sure, crying in public might be uncomfortable for yourself and those around you, so if it is find someplace quiet with someone you trust and love, and cry there. Why is it something to be ashamed of? all it is is showing emotion, which s one of the most human things you can do.

It's the same for girls, although they do tend to cry more (Being more caring and sensitive is part of their psychological makeup, though), and possibly for less. if I saw a friend of mine who was crying, I'd go over and ask her/him if I could help in anyway. I wouldn't try and get him/her to stop, cause if you're crying, there's gonna be a reason.

That said, there will always be some lameass emo kid who cries for attention, and that kind of person I have no patience for. luckily, I don't make friends like that, so I tend not to come across them very often...


Crying isn't necessarily "cool", but neither is losing your temper and shouting at someone when they've been pissing you off for your entire life. These things happen, they don't have to be "cool" for them to be acceptable.

EDIT: wow, that's long...
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