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Thread: American Dad
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Old 02-08-2005, 08:23 AM   #6 (permalink)
hookers with machineguns
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For a pilot episode I thought they did a good job with plot/character etc. (much better than the Family Guy pilot) I think the biggest lag was in the beginning, I swear I was thinking to myself "When the hell are they gonna get outta the kitchen? I think because it's the second round of Seth Macfarlane people are skeptical, and American Dad seems unoriginal. I remember when Futurama came out and everyone was saying how dull it was compared to the Simpsons. When Family Guy came out, they were saying it was a ripoff of the Simpsons (well, it really was). I think Seth shoulda resisted the Fox contract and released AD on Cartoon Network, more than likely it probably would draw more viewers on the adult swim block than on the random and unpredictable Fox schedules.
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