Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Very very badly if the radio session I heard of her playing was anything to go by.
Yeah she isn't very good but she isn't any worse than all those guitarists in bands like New Found Glory, Fall Out Boy, Sum 41, 30 Seconds to Mars etc
Originally Posted by =ladyface=
Yeah, a lot of those artists co-wrote their songs and I'm always wary when people say that. You can change a couple of words and claim that you co-wrote something.
But she actually WROTE them, as in ALL of them and wrote a bunch of Kelly Clarkson songs too.
Originally Posted by holdyoualways
if you consider high pitched shreiking good vocals
You're a Billy Talent fan and Avril doesn't shriek its high pitched (really only on girlfriend...) and can be considered annoying I guess, but you listen to a bunch of sh
itty pop-punk and faux-emo so I think annoying vocals shouldn't be something for you to complain about.