Originally Posted by Yellow Card
I said it was a stupid poll because you can only vote once, and you stole my idea of the battle of the bands posts!
You my be cut at me calling your music ****, but you said "go listen to some music" which is clearly stating that what i listen too now isnt music. which cuts me deep.
What if i said hey hookers! what do you think of: After the Fall? Never in Doubt? Merkin? lamexcuse? EpicFlagon?
see you most likly havent heard of any of those bands have you?! Because they are all australian bands. and your list is 90% american bands, thats way i said i had only heard of like 3 of the bands.
Dont get pissed a **** load of people were making battle of the bands thread. NAd it was never your idea you know how many forums have threads like this? alot.As for hte music thing Hooker with muachine guns can give you an argument that will make you cry under your bed about that music comment cause the dude knows his stuff.