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Thread: Manu Chao
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Old 09-08-2007, 06:15 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Manu Chao

I'm not a huge fan but given that his new album, La radiolina, has been given 5 stars in the latest Uncut I thought it was time a thread was made. There are a few incredible songs on it, namely Tristeza Maleza, La vida tombola, Me llaman Calle, and that's only after a few listens. It's loaded with south american nostalgia, reminiscent of Buena Vista Social Club at times, as well as Cesaria Evora. There's also a fair few rockabilly/reggae and whatnot tunes on there to mix it up a bit. So check it. - Manu Chao - Barcelona -

Manu Chao - La Radiolina

Manu Chao - Rainin' in paradize
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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