The HorrorPops are genuine psychobilly, no doubt about it. But that's not a bad thing in the least. They're still amazing, and there's a whole bunch of good psychobilly bands both new and old (On the latter of those two, check out the Deltas if you ever get the chance; they've got this nice twangy classic sound). Klingonz are an all time favorite of mine when talking psychobilly, though.
As far as the horrorpunk discussion itself goes, it's really impossible to even have one without mentioning the Misfits, who were so instrumental in not only laying the foundations of horrorpunk, but bringing it to the recognizable status it has today. Although admittedly I think a little of that is everybody and their brother picking up Misfits merchandise these days.
For horrorpunk fans though, I seriously suggest checking out The Wrath and The Ghouls, a couple of bands I've fallen for lately.