I don't think I know too many extremely long titles, but I for sure know of a few that always bring a smile to my face.
+"They Provide the Paint for the Picture Perfect Masterpiece That You Will Paint On the Insides of Your Eyelids" - Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution
+"Kids Who Mosh Like *******s Must Make for Selfish Lovers" - R.A.M.B.O.
+"Punx and Skinz: Lets Unite Them, Put Them On a Boat, Send Them Off To Sea, and Sink Those ****ers!" - Crucial Unit
+"Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness. Too Bad We're All Atheists." - Crucial Unit
+"Baby I Dont Wanna Makeout, I Just Want to Circle Pit" - Crucial Unit
+"The Thrashin' of the Christ" - Municipal Waste