Music Banter - View Single Post - Vitamin C "Friends Forever"
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Old 08-21-2007, 11:00 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
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Listened to it a lot when i graduated from elementary school and again when i graduated highschool.. so yeah it brings back a lot of good/old memories for me aswell.
Personally, I like the music aswell. I think it in general just sounds good. Both the music/beat and the voice/lyrics. It is beautiful music for sure.
And those judging the song on the music video, just proves the little knowledge u have for music... i couldn't care less if it was Marrylin Manson singing in the music video cutting people in half with a chainsaw. As long as the music is good and it sounds good in ones ears, then why not like the song. Who gives a **** about the video. (By the way this was the first time i've ever seen the video to the song.)
Music is more than just noise. It's an addiction that effects yourself and your entire life. Don't abuse it, but don't ignore it either.
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