MB is dead. I'm going to plug stuff that if I made an indivual thread on people would ignore.
Roman Invasion Suite-s/t 7”

Will anyone check out a band who I describe as “obscure emo”? Somehow I doubt it. How about beautiful? How about having a sole release that is my favorite 7”? How about something I think will have mass appeal over genre lines? I don't think my opinion holds too much weight, but I just think these two song are just completely outstanding. I play them over and over for hours on end. I don't really know of any other way to listen them. This 7" was put out in '97 (which is notorious for indiemo) on Longbow Records and has delicately intese (i find lyrically interesting) vocals and well put together instrumentals. The tracklist is just The Siege of Port Theodora Pt. 1 + 2. Does anyone actually know what that siege was? If it even exisited? I've been trying to find out for a while but really haven't had much luck. Just take the damn seven and half minutes and give this 7" a legit listen I swear it'll be worth it.
oh yea the sharing part:
roman invasion suite 1997 st 7''.zip