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Old 08-15-2007, 11:09 PM   #63 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Berkeley, California
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Originally Posted by i get high sometimes View Post
its almost not worth arguing with you, because you are a 5th grader who knows next to nothing about music, but I enjoy the entertainment that arguing with you brings. so

his 'earlier work'? he released his first album like, 3 years ago, what do you mean earlier work? this IS his earlier work. next, i'm not really sure what song you're talking about in the above post. did he rip off an entire ray charles song and add bad lyrics to it? first of all, he didn't 'rip off' and 'entire song', he 'sampled' the 'refrain' of ray charles' song. Maybe you were unaware, but hip hop music is founded on sampling. Public Enemy sampled James brown on ITANOMTHUB, NWA sampled funkadelic and kool and the gang. its ridiculous that i am having to explain what sampling is to an 10 year old kid, but c'mon.
Stronger. The entire song is just samples from Harder Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk, with Kanye rapping over it. It grows on you, but still pretty mediocre.
The Beach Boys are better than Pink Floyd ever was.
Quoted for untruth.

Finally, a signature that's chewy not chalky!

Let's agree to disagree.
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