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Old 08-05-2007, 11:30 PM   #158 (permalink)
#1 Schuldinist.
Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Alexander the Grape View Post
Saving people's lives doesn't lead to stagnation. If anything having more people leads to greater advancements. Look at how immigrants enrich our country.

Life was meant to end after a certain time. Its not natural for an 8 year old child to die.

Its more than just death too. People in those countries are suffering, usually fates worse than death. Women are being gang raped in Darfur, children are going hungry, watching their parents murdered in front of their eyes, being burnt out of their villages.

If you think stuff like that is ok, and shouldn't be stopped, then all I can say is (just happened to see that smilie, and it spoke to my soul)
To the first part; I'm not saying it WILL lead to stagnation, I'm saying it CAN. The strong will spend all their energy helping out the weak. You would think this'll make society stronger, but it doesn't; The weak get all this help from people better than them, and what has the weak gained? Nothing except whatever resulted from someone elses work.

I'll give you a figurative example; two men live in an apartment together. One has worked their ass off to get to where he is. The other just lays there doing nothing but wasting away. The better man practically supports this whelp and the whelp holds back the better man from achieving even more. If the better man was smart, he would forget the other guy and leave him to fend for himself. In this little scenario, he does just this. NOW; the ****head is all alone now. HE has very little experience when it comes to making a hard living. One of two things can happen; He can crash, burn and die, and society has been rid of another poor excuse for vermin. OR he can fight back; get a job, start paying his own way for once, maybe pay his way through college and get a good education. It'd be hard, but he would benefit A LOT more from doing that, and society instead welcomes another member to the superior race.

Second part; I believe that if it happens, it's natural. There is nothing abnormal in this world, not really. We just perceive it as unnatural because it goes against the norms we've grown accustomed to. A child SHOULDN'T have to die, but children do, unfortunately. It's just something we have to accept.

Third Part; Where did I say that gang-raping and starvation were ok? It's meaningless torture. If there IS a just reason to attack a country, it's to stop that **** from happening, one way or another.
I don't mean to dwell
But I can't help myself
When I feel the vibe
And taste a memory
Of a time in life
When years seemed to stand still
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