Originally Posted by Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01
Ugh, I hate all this Pro-life crap. Always about sparing human life, even if it means leading to stagnation. Hell, even if it means leaving some people alive that could kill you.
Saving people's lives doesn't lead to stagnation. If anything having more people leads to greater advancements. Look at how immigrants enrich our country.
Originally Posted by Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01
Life was meant to die. Don't delay the inevitable and let it become some obstacle in gaining more power.
Life was meant to end after a certain time. Its not natural for an 8 year old child to die.
Its more than just death too. People in those countries are suffering, usually fates worse than death. Women are being gang raped in Darfur, children are going hungry, watching their parents murdered in front of their eyes, being burnt out of their villages.
If you think stuff like that is ok, and shouldn't be stopped, then all I can say is

(just happened to see that smilie, and it spoke to my soul)