08-02-2007, 10:47 AM
#9 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 3
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
What utter rubbish.
Could you imagine the state of the world if the publishing industry took the same example with books? Imagine schools having to pay money out to quote books , imagine libraries being closed down because of illegal sharing of free books.
The music industry is full of crooks & opportunists and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Actually, books are not different than music when it comes to paying for use.
Libraries and schools are permitted use of copyrighted material by way of “Fair Use” which is part of the U.S Copyright Act that pertains to ALL copyrighted work. So ‘students’ can both enjoy and learn from the music of others without paying for it.
And remember, libraries have to purchase many of their books with our tax money. In fact, they spend an average of 20-30% of their budget for materials, and around 85% of funding comes from taxes. So it seems you should include book publishers in your description of "crooks and opportunists".
If a book were read in it’s entirety on a radio station, the station would have to pay for that use.
Wherever you work, imagine how long you’d be employed if the company were no longer allowed to sell its product. You’d quickly have empty pockets for groceries. But then in your world, I suppose groceries would be free. Of course there’d be no grocery stores in that case.
I guess we both should go now and plant our gardens if we plan to eat in your world.