Alright for all the metal fans this will be extremely dumb:
Koga Boshizu -It's not about how good the bands are, but how prominant they are in the music scene...their reputation is what matters, not how good they are.
Me - Were you joking? Reputation means nothing in music. It is all about originality and technicality.
Koga Boshizu - Are you serious!? much as I hate to say, but no matter what music you make it's always about reputation...the more people who know the band the more people to spread the name.
I personally don't make music for the reputation because I don't care about that, but if you want lots of people to know you, you need that reputation.
Me - Who cares if people know you? Music is music whether people know you or not. Devoted people (i.e. me [and no I am not trying to brag, but I am the first person on these forums that comes to my mind]) will find the unknown bands anyways because we search all day long for new music to listen to.
Him - me, I know. My repratoire of music is probably a thousand times bigger then yours...I support the little guys too. It's my job as a musician and as an artist, but the bands who've made a name for themselves(more so in the metal genres) had to really work hard, but without that hard earned reputation the majority of people just don't care about the ones with little success. A very good example of that would be King's X. They were the very first band to use drop notes of the guitar as a standard sound, but little people care or know them because they're reputation isn't of commerical success, but the true music lovers know them and know their reputation and that they are an amazing band even if they influence only a small amount of people.
Okay now after that he wanted to take the discussion to MSN I guess so he wouldn't be embarrassed.
Session Start ( com): Wed Aug 01 16:10:51 2007
[16:10] Ok...I wrote a new post on there.
[16:11] Inuzuka_Skysword: who is this
[16:11] Koga Boshizu
[16:11] Inuzuka_Skysword: oh
[16:11] Yeah
[16:11] I thought it would be easier to discuss this on here then on NL
[16:12] Inuzuka_Skysword: ok
[16:12] Did you see my new post?
[16:12] Inuzuka_Skysword: I am looking at it now
[16:12] Ah Ok
[16:16] Just answer to my thing on NL in point going through that on NL.
[16:16] Inuzuka_Skysword: k
[16:16] Inuzuka_Skysword: one sec
[16:16] Inuzuka_Skysword: brb
[16:16] ok
[16:23] Inuzuka_Skysword: How would King's X be the first to use drop tuning
[16:23] Inuzuka_Skysword: Black Sabbath is older than King's X
[16:23] Inuzuka_Skysword: and they used drop tuning
[16:24] like I said...stardardly...King's X were the first to use it in all their stuff.
[16:25] Inuzuka_Skysword: Blacks Sabbath's first 7 albums were droptuend weren't they?
[16:25] Inuzuka_Skysword: drop tuned*
[16:25] no...they were mostly in standard
[16:25] Inuzuka_Skysword: hmm
[16:26] Songs like Iron Man and **** were dropped
[16:26] Inuzuka_Skysword: The whole album of Paranoid is dropped
[16:26] Inuzuka_Skysword: same with Black Sabbath
[16:26] Inuzuka_Skysword: I would think
[16:27] Inuzuka_Skysword: All their Taditional Doom stuff would have to have been dropped
[16:27] Inuzuka_Skysword: have had to*
[16:27] Inuzuka_Skysword: And that happens to be the first 7 albums
[16:27] nope...they played in drop standard, but not in drop
[16:27] there is a difference
[16:29] Inuzuka_Skysword: Also I don't see how ripping others music to get popular is working hard
[16:30] Where did you come up with that concept...I was never trying to make that point.
[16:30] Inuzuka_Skysword: "but the bands who've made a name for themselves(more so in the metal genres) had to really work hard"
[16:31] That was what I was saying.
[16:31] Inuzuka_Skysword: SOAD has made a big name for itself
[16:31] Inuzuka_Skysword: but they haven't really done anything new
[16:32] I know...neither did Nirvana, but look how huge they got and Fugazi too.
[16:32] Inuzuka_Skysword: Nirvana ripped The Melvins and Mudhoney
[16:32] Inuzuka_Skysword: Fugazi is good though
[16:32] Inuzuka_Skysword: there are certain good mainstream bands
[16:32] Inuzuka_Skysword: Radiohead, Tool, etc.
[16:33] Inuzuka_Skysword: but Opeth is better than all of them and they aren't mainstream
[16:33] Inuzuka_Skysword: talent wise
[16:34] yes and they had to work for 5 years before they even got their first album out. There are even bigger bands that hit the mainstream and are now considered musical Dream Theater.
[16:35] Inuzuka_Skysword: DT aren't mainstream
[16:35] they were
[16:35] Inuzuka_Skysword: I haven't seen them on MTV, VH! or heard them ont he radio
[16:35] Inuzuka_Skysword: they are popular
[16:35] Inuzuka_Skysword: but not mainstream
[16:36] Dream Theater and Opeth at this point in time are the two biggest metal bands in the world and they busted their balls to get here.
[16:36] Inuzuka_Skysword: brb
[16:36] Dream Theater were mainstream for the I&M and Awake albums
[16:41] I&M = I&W
[16:41] Inuzuka_Skysword: The two biggest metal bands int he world right now are Linkin Park and Slipknot
[16:41] Inuzuka_Skysword: everybody knows them
[16:42] Inuzuka_Skysword: that listens to metal
[16:42] Inuzuka_Skysword: they both suck
[16:42] Inuzuka_Skysword: but everyone knows them
[16:42] Inuzuka_Skysword: And Opeth will never be mainstream because of their death grutns
[16:42] Inuzuka_Skysword: grunts*
[16:43] Inuzuka_Skysword: Damnation could have been mainstream, but prog rock isn't very popular either
[16:47] umm...Linkin Park aren't metal and neither is Slipknot.
[16:47] Inuzuka_Skysword: yeah they are. Both of them are nu-metal
[16:48] That isn't metal though...that's like saying Boy Bands are alternative.
[16:48] Inuzuka_Skysword: not really
[16:48] And Prog rock is huge in the UK
[16:48] Inuzuka_Skysword: Nu-metal is a genre of metal
[16:48] Inuzuka_Skysword: yeah I know it is huge i the UK
[16:49] Inuzuka_Skysword: not in America though
[16:49] Not anymore...the actual genre called Nu-Metal was retired 3 years ago. No bands coming out today are refered to as that.
[16:49] Inuzuka_Skysword: nu-metal is a genre of Alt. Metal, which is a genre of metal
[16:50] Nu-Metal is now a nonexistant genre.
[16:50] Inuzuka_Skysword: then where did all the nu-metal bands go?
[16:51] They changed.
[16:51] Inuzuka_Skysword: ?
[16:51] Inuzuka_Skysword: Linkin Parks album Papercut was nu-metal and will always be nu-metal
[16:51] Inuzuka_Skysword: how can you change the name of a genre
[16:51] they either went belly up, turned to a popier side or turned to full on metal.
[16:52] Inuzuka_Skysword: I guess Traditional Doom MEtal isn't a genre either
[16:52] Inuzuka_Skysword: Metal*
[16:52] Inuzuka_Skysword: because nobody plays it anymore
[16:52] Inuzuka_Skysword: along with rock and roll
[16:52] The genre existed and those bands were the Nu-Metal of the time, but Nu-Metal bands with never be conceived again because the genre has literally been retired.
[16:53] Inuzuka_Skysword: But the band put out albums with the nu-metal sound
[16:53] No...Doom is still being made today...Mastodon is a good example of that.
[16:53] When Nu-Metal existed.
[16:53] Inuzuka_Skysword: ...Mastodon = doom metal?
[16:53] They are part Doom
[16:54] Inuzuka_Skysword: Traditional doom is beign played anymore
[16:54] Inuzuka_Skysword: Domm metal is
[16:54] Inuzuka_Skysword: but Traditional doom isn't
[16:55] ****...we'll continue this anouther time...I have to be going now.
[16:55] Inuzuka_Skysword: alright
[16:55] Inuzuka_Skysword: bye
[16:55] ok...bye
Session Close ( Wed Aug 01 16:55:43 2007
I think he left because he didn't know what to say. Calling Mastodon Doom Metal is blasphemy.