My music preference changes every few years so I'll give you one from each transition starting at the age of 4-ish, which was 1984. (Some of these are embarassing)
The Beatles: A Hard Days Night - My mom would play it all the time and I'd find myself singing along.
(Jefferson) Starship: Knee Deep in the Hoopla - I got this for Christmas and loved the track 'We Built This City.' (Hey I was like 7 years old)
U2: The Joshua Tree
Nirvana Unplugged in NY
Bush: Sixteen Stone
Korn: Korn
Radiohead: The Bends
Frank Zappa: Hot Rots
together with
Captain Beefheart: Trout Mask Replica
Volcano The Bear: Classic Erasmus Fusion
[The last three albums are currently my favourites as well.]
I am all woman!