Music Banter - View Single Post - Five Albums that changed Music for you
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Old 07-31-2007, 08:13 PM   #2 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Between the minarettes, down the Casbah way.
Posts: 983

Don't know that these are the top 5 or anything but here's 5:
I've picked ones I can remember coming out.

The Mars Volta - De-Loused In The Comatorium
It still feels as unique as ever, and still makes me dance like I'm having a fit.
Radiohead - Kid A
One of the first albums I really let open me up to some weird electronic music. (not that I can find anyone who does it better than Radiohead)
Tom Waits - Bone Machine
The First album of his I fully got into, I'd had mix tapes but this blew me away.
Tori Amos - Welcome To Sunny Florida (I know it's a dvd but i play it like an album)
I can't play this enough, it's sad, uplifting and angry all at the same time.
Nine Inch Nails - Pretty Hate Machine
Another one of the first computery kind of albums I really got into.

Because I chose to play the fool in a six-piece band,
First-night nerves every one-night stand.
I should be glad to be so inclined.
What a waste! What a waste!
But I don't mind.

Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
Nirvana pisses over David Bowie and Nirvana isn't even that good.
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