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Old 01-28-2005, 11:37 PM   #6 (permalink)
hookers with machineguns
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,753

- if you're gonna bust a nut over nirvana, talk about Bleach. Keep the suicide/murder theories in your pants.
- That's great that you like Dave Matthews Band, really it is. Just don't play that garbage when I'm around.
- Metallica should have retired after Master of Puppets, or even Ride The Lightning. They are the equivalent of Cher in metal history.
- Modest Mouse should have signed a major record deal in 1994, then maybe 'Float On' fanatics would appreciate their "good" work.
- Someone tell me the difference between "Turn on The Bright Lights" and "Antics", and why Interpol became everyones favorite band.
- more on it's way
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