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Old 07-29-2007, 12:27 AM   #65 (permalink)
#1 Schuldinist.
Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 420

I'm gonna regret posting here, but what the hell.

I have mixed feelings about the war in Iraq.

As far as war goes, I have no problem with it if;

1. It is to remove a major threat to the world.
2. Conquest for the greater good.
3. Retaliation (ie, 9/11 attack).

I don't support the starting of wars, unless it's unavoidable. I think of war as I do natural disasters; both have their own share of conflict that humans must overcome and both involve not only people but sentient life overall. But while most natural disasters mainly deal with Man Vs. Nature conflict, war goes deeper than that; Man Vs. Man, Man Vs. Machine, and Man Vs. Himself. War is the ultimate, I guess, competition where death cam happen at anytime, and it is just one more way of eliminating the weak and preserving the strong, even though that's not the reason wars are started.

Part of me wishes the War in Iraq hadn't started; it wasn't our place to remove Saddam Hussein from power. We should have been looking for a peaceful solution instead pushing for this war.

The other part of me is glad we started it; No one else had the will to do it, and Saddam Hussein was a dangerous dictator and could have become more dangerous.

I don't think we should be staying in there to try to fix their government and form it into something we want; we don't own the country, so we have no right to regulate what kind of government it becomes

But I don't think we should leave; While we have no right to control what they become, I do think that by leaving, we run the risk of another dictator rising up and taking Saddam's place.

As I said, mixed feelings.
I don't mean to dwell
But I can't help myself
When I feel the vibe
And taste a memory
Of a time in life
When years seemed to stand still
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