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Old 07-27-2007, 05:09 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Larkrise View Post
but I'm just hoping that some of you understand my problems with being a music snob and can sympathize and not take it too personally if I out right say, "Green Day sucks!" lol
I'm sure no one is gonna throw a hissy fit over it, I myself like them, and have gone head to head with numerous...children for lack of a better word, who came into the thread with only that, "they suck". If you're gonna dump on a band, and have your opinion taken seriously, you would need to elaborate a bit further. That's something Chris taught me...

Plus, saying GD sucks isn't very snobby, it's just trendy. Try saying RATM suck, and I'm gonna be forced to hunt you down....and have a ferocious pillow fight over it...or maybe arm wrestle...I'd leave that up to you.
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