"Dear Friends,
It is with heavy hearts that we announce that as of July 2007 we are no longer a band. It has been an honor and a privilege to be able to do what we love for so long. You will never know how much we love and appreciate every person that has set up a show, let us sleep on their floor, said kind words to us and supported us in any way - you will be nestled softly in our hearts forever. We still have a 7" that will (hopefully) be released in the near future. Again, thank you for everything.
I Would Set Myself On Fire For You"
2007 seems to be an bad year for many good musicians...Hot Cross quit, Louise Cyphre are going to quit, now I would set myself on fire for you...Patrick Wolf is going to play his last concert at the end of this year, too.

I don't want all of my favorite Bands and Artists to be dead. :'(