*** Shock ... Horror ***
Sick of people telling you what to think ?
Bored of people telling you whats good ?
Had enough of people flaming you because you don`t think the same?
Well let it all out here , post any of your opinions that may be consdered 'against the grain' here , be controversial , be bold , don`t let people tell you your opinion is wrong. Stick to your guns & don`t be afraid to rustle a few feathers.
A few of mine that i`ve been shouted at about.....
Pet Sounds is nowhere near the greatest album ever recorded , and apart from Good Vibrations & God Only Knows I have no time for the Beach Boys whatsoever.
Same goes for Sgt Pepper & the Beatles
Around 95% of Bob Dylan`s output is boring rubbish
Pink Floyd have not made anything worth listening to since 1977
Can were better than Pink Floyd anyway
Led Zeppelin are ok for a fun blues based c0ck rock band , but to suggest they`re one of the greatest bands ever is laughable.
The Fall have more talent & creativity than every single american punk band put together.
Nobody gave a crap about Elliot Smith & Jeff Buckley till they kicked the bucket
Note to American indie bands ...Ripping of The Cure , The Smiths , Joy Division , Echo & The Bunnymen & Gang Of Four does not make you 'alternative'
The current crop of British guitar bands ( Futureheads , Razorlight , Libertines , Delays , Bloc Party , Art Brut , 20 20s ) are boring generic crap
Elton John has never contributed anything to music & that includes ****ing Tiny Dancer
Classic rock fans make me want to throw up , really we`ve heard for the last 30 to 40 years how great ledzepbeatlespinkfloydhendrixmorissonectectect are , we don`t really need to hear it AGAIN.
As does anyone who claims to be 'punk rock'
There is no excuse in the world for owning the Stereophonics last album
Billy Corgan should have retired in 1993
American music scene of the last 20 years ...grunge & emo , surely you can do better than that. And while your at it can you stop buying Pearl Jam albums , you just encourage them to make more.